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Did you ever hear of car tint film?

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Pridružen/-a: 11.05. 2016, 03:31
Prispevkov: 5

PrispevekObjavljeno: 13 Maj 2016 08:58    Naslov sporočila: Did you ever hear of car tint film? Odgovori s citatom

Did you ever hear of car tint film? If you're not from metro NYC, probably not. He's a 23 year old policeman from Jersey City, NJ. That is, he 'was' a Jersey City police officer for seven months until he was killed at 0400 on July 13 this year. Three young black men came into a Walgreen's in Jersey City, cut the Security Guard in the face, knocked him to the floor and tried to shoot him. They 'tried' because they couldn't get the safety off his pistol.

Personnel in Walgreens called the police. As the sirens rang, the black gunman tells one of the clerks, "Watch the news, I'll be famous." With that, he walked outside and marine reflection film waited for the first officer to arrive. Officer Santiago, seven months on the force, arrives. The thug walks up to the Officer as he tries to exit his car and shoots him in the head, twice. He died at the scene. Another Officer shot and killed the thug.

reflective film

Did you hear about Officer Santiago's death? Did President Obama make a national statement about Officer Santiago's death? Did Attorney General Eric Holder fly to Jersey City to pursue the other two suspects and have a conversation with Officer Santiago's family? Did the Right Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson airlift into the city to make sure justice is served? 'No' on all counts.
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